Great Way To Study The Bible. pt.1

We love to read devotionals. We love to read books about the Bible. Certain topics and figures. But ultimately when it comes to studying the bible it can seem kind of daunting. Many of us feel as though we need to take three years of biblical studies to fully understand it. While greater education in the word of God is amazing, there’s a simpler way to get started.

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Malik Edwards
Prevailing Church.

God is causing and calling His church in this season to prevail. To prevail means to prove more powerful than the opposing force. To be victorious. His the season where the church is going to prove more powerful than the winds of division and confusion that are blowing to separate us. The. Church is going to prove more powerful than man’s government. The Church is going to prove more powerful than the kingdom of darkness.

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Malik Edwards
God Is Taking The Arts Back!

Get ready for a new swirling of creativity to hit the church.” There are new winds of the creative force of God that is gonna hit the body of Christ over these next six months. I saw new notes, rhythms, melodies, sounds, colors, brush strokes, lights, recipes, taste and different forms of creativity beginning to emerge out of the church. ⁣

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Malik Edwards
Something Is Happening.

The Lord woke me up a few mornings ago with this statement, “Something’s Happening.” It was so alarming, but at the same time, so evasive. Like, “God what’s happening?” But, all He kept shouting into my spirit was, “Something is happening!”

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Malik Edwards
Build An Altar Before You Build A Platform.

In this hour, I’ve become increasingly aware that freedom of speech is at an all time high. If you have an opinion, you can give it. If you have a judgement, you can post it. You can agree, disagree, like, comment or share as you please. Many are spending thousands of dollars to build their platform and spread their message. Even if they have little to no substance, with the right branding and look, many can rise to the top.

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Malik Edwards

God wants to work in us His power. His might. His supernatural. Yet, I believe that without this supernatural fire in our life, the fullness of God will not be able to flow fully through us, and we will not be able to come into the fullness of what God has called us into.

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Malik Edwards
Get Ready For The Supernatural

There is a breaking forth of the supernatural in this season like never before. Supernatural means beyond the natural. Beyond nature. Beyond limits. Beyond reasoning. Beyond what you thought. Beyond beyond. Glory to God!

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Malik Edwards